Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki
Ken Kaneki is the main character of Anime Tokyo Ghoul series. In the beginning he was human, but soon his life got turned upside-down when meeting with a girl named Riza who lead him to becoming a one-eyed ghoul. With no place to belong and a constant thirst for his own kind, Kaneki's life is full of struggles unit he meets people, both human and ghoul, who he can rely on.
- Kaneki's Gentle Nature
Almost all Tokyo Ghoul fans would know that Kaneki possess a gentle and rarely ever tried to harm another person unless forced to do so.
Kaneki has always been afraid of being alone, and that fact that he'll go back to having nobody. Even when kaneki has a change of person, he tries to protect everyone by himself, primarily because they really mean a lot to him.
- Kaneki's Hair
Over the course of the Tokyo Ghoul series, Kaneki's hair has changed its color often. Different people attribute its change of color to different things, and a lot of it has did it.
More than this, Kaneki's initial transformation from a black-haired person to one with white hair symbolizes his mental progression. It only takes place when Kaneki embraces his ghoul side and allows it to cannibalize on his human side, symbolically speaking, to break free of Jason's torture.
- Kaneki's Secrets
Being a reserved type of person, Kaneki doesn't often let those around him know what he's truly thinking. However, it is actually pretty easy to figure out if he's hiding something or not. Whenever Kaneki is hiding something, he usually has a habit of touching chin with his left hand, subconsciously.
-Kaneki's Likes
Although Tokyo Ghoul is all about Kaneki's story, little light is thrown on what he likes and dislikes. This could be because Kaneki was still trying to understand himself throughout the whole series. From what we know about his preferences, it's clear that he likes reading, and has fallen in love with reading.